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How to obtain a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate with certbot

In this short tutorial we'll find out how to obtain a free LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate with certbot by responding to dns challenges.

The registrar will be namecheap but the same process will apply to other registrars like GoDaddy or any other registrar or DNS provider.

Certbot from Electronic Frontier Foundation will be our client but any other compatible client can be used instead.

How to secure a site with nginx and free letsencrypt ssl certificate

In this tutorial I'll provide step by step instructions on how to secure a website running on nginx with a free letsencrypt certificate by using Electronic Frontier Foundation's Certbot - including automatic certificate renewal and email notifications when the certificate is updated.

We'll use multiple hostnames meaning that our website will be available as both https://example.com and https://www.example.com over a secure connection with a free and trusted ssl certificate!